
2017年7月1日(土)講演会 子ゾウのふる里~ラオス・サイニャブリー~




講演会 子ゾウのふる里~ラオス・サイニャブリー~
1 開催日時:平成29年7月1日(土)午後2時~3時
2 開催場所:京都市動物園 正面エントランス レクチャールーム
3 講演者:ア 生き物・学び・研究センター長 田中 正之

     イ ラオス人民民主共和国サイニャブリー県農林局長 カムラ・プィエヴァンナ氏


4 定員 約80名(先着順)

5 参加費

6 問合せ
京都市左京区岡崎法勝寺町岡崎公園内 京都市動物園 総務課
電 話 075-771-0210

7 要旨

The Elephant Conservation in Xayyabouly province, Lao PDR
Xayyabouly province is highly reputation for elephant conservation in the Lao PDR. Both domestic and wild elephants are largely found in this province, which are about 279 domestic elephants, and between 50-60 wild elephants were recently reported in the Nam Pouy National Biodiversity Conservation Areas. Elephants are recognized as long historic friendly animals/pets. They have played an important role in local livelihood’s activities, including supplying main labour supports for agricultural and loggings activities. The elephant conservation has been promoted nationally since 2006, through local participation and traditional festival celebration. Every year, an elephant celebration festival is organized between 12-19 February which helps to generate a huge income for local people and province. This becomes a symbol of ecotourism and attractive to visitors to the province. However, there are numbers of issues and challenges for protecting them, especially wildlife elephants. These include its habitat destruction due to an expansion of agricultural lands and urbanization and shifting cultivation, wild fire, illegal loggings and encroachments, meanwhile there is a limitation of financial support and technical inputs for elephant breeding. At the present, although there are some commitments of the government to overcome these challenges, it is insufficient such as a research on elephants and breeding, collaborations with international donors and educational campaign for local communities.