研究教育係長 伊藤 英之生き物・学び・研究センターとは

平成19年4月~ 京都市動物園飼育課(現:種の保存展示課)
平成29年4月~ 京都市動物園生き物・学び・研究センター

Ito H, Sudo-Yamaji A, Abe M, Murase T, Tsubota T: Sex Identification by Alternative Polymerase Chain Reaction Methods in Falconiformes. Zoological Science, 20: 339-344, 2003.

Ito H, Nara H, Inoue-Murayama M, Shimada MK, Koshimura A, Ueda Y, Kitagawa H, Takeuchi Y, Mori Y, Murayama Y, Morita M, Iwasaki T, Ota K, Tanabe Y, Ito S: Allele frequency distribution of the canine dopamine receptor D4 gene exon III and I in 23 breeds. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 66: 815-820, 2004.

Ito H, Sudo-Yamaji A, Abe M, Murase T, Tsubota T: Utility of Cross-species Amplification among Raptors. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 10(2): 79-84, 2004.

Ito H, Endo C, Sudo-Yamaji A, Abe M, Murase T, Asano M, Tsubota T: Rapid, Easy and Reliable Sexing Method for Falconiformes by PCR. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 10(2): 79-84, 2005.

伊藤英之、早野あづさ、坂本英房、井上-村山美穂:絶滅危惧種グレビーシマウマにおける次世代シークエンサーを用いたマイクロサテライトマーカーの開発 DNA多型20: 26-29, 2012.

伊藤英之、Christopher Adenyo、吉川夏彦、村山美穂:野生生物のマイクロサテライトマーカーの大量同定と保全への応用.生物科学64: 159-167, 2013(招待論文)

Ito H, Hayano A, Langenhorst T, Sakamoto H, Inoue-Murayama M: Using next generation sequencing to develop Microsatellite Markers for Endangered Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi). Conservation Genetics Resources, 5:507–510, 2013.


Ito H, Langenhorst T, Ogden R, Inoue-Murayama M: Androgen receptor gene polymorphism in zebra species. Meta Gene, 5: 120-123, 2015.

Ito H, Langenhorst T, Ogden R, Inoue-Murayama M: Population genetic diversity and hybrid detection in captive zebras. Scientific Reports, 5:13171, 2015.

Ito H, Ogden R, Langenhorst T, Inoue-Murayama M: Contrasting results from molecular and pedigree-based population diversity measures in captive zebra highlight challenges facing genetic management of zoo populations. Zoo Biology, 36: 87-94, 2017